Monday, September 14, 2015

Day Two

#1 lesson: Be careful of how much fun you have on Saturday!

Our first module is Ashtanga. I have never done a dedicated Ashtanga class. I am familiar with all the poses in the series. Many I practice regularly, others...not so much.

When we practiced together on Sunday, I was able to feel what all these years of yoga practice has given to me. Humility. When I struggled in our balancing postures, I let a smile come to my face. Not having perfection in the pose was welcoming. I accepted it and moved forward.

I have experienced this many, many times on my mat. Attempting a pose and it not happening. Struggling and having to back away. Allowing myself to rest when needed.

Trust me...those things in my practice did not come easily.

The thing I am most looking to gain out of teacher training is to more consciously put forth the lessons and energy I learn on my mat to my every day life. I'm not that great at resting when I need. I'm not that great at accepting struggles or not being a naturally good at something. I have a Type-A Monkey Mind. I'm looking forward to letting quite a few of those monkey's free.

I was surprised at how rested my body felt this morning. My morning meditation quieted my mind...letting go of thoughts of what I may have said or did wrong over the weekend. Today I feel clear and calm. I'm looking forward to my practice this evening. I'm looking forward to my daily yoga meal. I'm looking forward to my evening meditation.

It's true. This is exactly the place I needed to be at exactly the right time.

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