Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day Three & Four

This weekend we focused on cueing Sun Salutations A&B. I am very comfortable with doing and teaching both way. Learning a new way to cue is a good thing. It's pushing my teaching abilities and allowing me to grow as instructor. The thing I struggle with the most is cueing drishti's with every pose. Sometimes it seems like there are so many words and not enough time.

Friday I contributed a lot to our discussion about the five obstacles and three doubts of yoga. I did feel like many of my issues I experience in obstacles and doubts I am not alone in our group. It's nice to know that all of us are making a huge commitment and several sacrifices to complete this training. I think it makes it easier to fathom that I will make it to graduation day.

I know there are several people in my life that do not understand why I am doing this...I'm pretty sure there are people at work that are concerned about me doing this training. Yoga is very special to's almost like a part of my religion. It makes me whole. It makes be happy. As I sit here on our couch writing this I'm tired but I am so fulfilled. Speaking of tired....

Today was absolutely exhausting.

We did a slowburn class all together in the morning and we took turns leading Sun Sal A's for a 108 Equinox event for a second afternoon practice. I did 100 freaking Sun Sal As this afternoon and it felt like all my chataranga's were strong. I felt very accomplished at the end of the practice and proud of myself for overcoming obstacles and doubt to make it to the end of all 100. I only did 100 because I taught some of the Sun Sals and we do not model during teaching...which is another big change for me but one I really, really like.

I learned a lot this weekend and gained some confidence. I am so thankful for this opportunity. 

I will say...I'm not looking forward to waking up to how sore I will be...I know there will be quite a bit of soreness throughout my body.

This week I'm challenged with studying the standing postures and to become comfortable cueing the poses without notes. There are also some readings along with our daily meditation, yoga meal, practice, and act of kindness/gratefulness. I love the changes these things are bringing to my life. After two weekends I already feel a huge shift. I know after eleven more weekends I am going to be the best version of myself that I have been in a long, long time.

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