Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day Three & Four

This weekend we focused on cueing Sun Salutations A&B. I am very comfortable with doing and teaching both way. Learning a new way to cue is a good thing. It's pushing my teaching abilities and allowing me to grow as instructor. The thing I struggle with the most is cueing drishti's with every pose. Sometimes it seems like there are so many words and not enough time.

Friday I contributed a lot to our discussion about the five obstacles and three doubts of yoga. I did feel like many of my issues I experience in obstacles and doubts I am not alone in our group. It's nice to know that all of us are making a huge commitment and several sacrifices to complete this training. I think it makes it easier to fathom that I will make it to graduation day.

I know there are several people in my life that do not understand why I am doing this...I'm pretty sure there are people at work that are concerned about me doing this training. Yoga is very special to's almost like a part of my religion. It makes me whole. It makes be happy. As I sit here on our couch writing this I'm tired but I am so fulfilled. Speaking of tired....

Today was absolutely exhausting.

We did a slowburn class all together in the morning and we took turns leading Sun Sal A's for a 108 Equinox event for a second afternoon practice. I did 100 freaking Sun Sal As this afternoon and it felt like all my chataranga's were strong. I felt very accomplished at the end of the practice and proud of myself for overcoming obstacles and doubt to make it to the end of all 100. I only did 100 because I taught some of the Sun Sals and we do not model during teaching...which is another big change for me but one I really, really like.

I learned a lot this weekend and gained some confidence. I am so thankful for this opportunity. 

I will say...I'm not looking forward to waking up to how sore I will be...I know there will be quite a bit of soreness throughout my body.

This week I'm challenged with studying the standing postures and to become comfortable cueing the poses without notes. There are also some readings along with our daily meditation, yoga meal, practice, and act of kindness/gratefulness. I love the changes these things are bringing to my life. After two weekends I already feel a huge shift. I know after eleven more weekends I am going to be the best version of myself that I have been in a long, long time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


I seriously don't get it.

Whenever I see a yoga teacher in lululemon I cringe. To me that brand is so anti-yoga. Sure spend $120 on a pair of leggings. Why? I can get a similar product at Old Navy or Target for 1/4 of the price. More than that, then I do not feel that I would be selling out to the brand.

Only the "best" yogis wear lululemon. What?

I think the best yogis wear Goodwill.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Day Two

#1 lesson: Be careful of how much fun you have on Saturday!

Our first module is Ashtanga. I have never done a dedicated Ashtanga class. I am familiar with all the poses in the series. Many I practice regularly, others...not so much.

When we practiced together on Sunday, I was able to feel what all these years of yoga practice has given to me. Humility. When I struggled in our balancing postures, I let a smile come to my face. Not having perfection in the pose was welcoming. I accepted it and moved forward.

I have experienced this many, many times on my mat. Attempting a pose and it not happening. Struggling and having to back away. Allowing myself to rest when needed.

Trust me...those things in my practice did not come easily.

The thing I am most looking to gain out of teacher training is to more consciously put forth the lessons and energy I learn on my mat to my every day life. I'm not that great at resting when I need. I'm not that great at accepting struggles or not being a naturally good at something. I have a Type-A Monkey Mind. I'm looking forward to letting quite a few of those monkey's free.

I was surprised at how rested my body felt this morning. My morning meditation quieted my mind...letting go of thoughts of what I may have said or did wrong over the weekend. Today I feel clear and calm. I'm looking forward to my practice this evening. I'm looking forward to my daily yoga meal. I'm looking forward to my evening meditation.

It's true. This is exactly the place I needed to be at exactly the right time.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day One

One day down...24 sessions to go!

I feel very positive after the first session. At times during the discussion of homework, practice, meditation, and weekly readings I found myself becoming extremely anxious and worried. How am I going to do all this? How am I going to practice every day? How am I going to find the time? Most am I going to find the energy.

Then I remembered...

If I was able to make it through grad school, fighting two of my worst undiagnosed years with Hashimoto's...three months of yoga school? I got this.

When I finished graduate school I bought myself a right hand ring. I wear it every day to remind myself of perseverance and strength.

I had a dream last night that I got a wrist tattoo for my yoga journey.

I like that idea...because it's something I can take everywhere with me...just like my grad school ring. I am not a huge jewelry person so right now I do not find myself wanting to do something like that again. I don't know. This thought just came to me as I sat down to write this reflection. I am sure whatever I should do with present itself to me when I'm ready.

Friday, September 11, 2015

New Adventure

Tonight I will begin my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification.

I'm Excited.
I'm Nervous.
I'm Overjoyed.
I'm Terrified.
I'm Anxious.

I have an intention to document my journey through this blog. So stay tuned.

I can't wait to write and read my day one post compared to graduation day on December 13th.