Sunday, September 2, 2012


I remember when the first Nintendo came out.

Well...after just checking a few sources it says that the Nintendo came to the US in October of 1985. I was four. So maybe I remember when it became popular in my little corn country Ohio town.

My memory is at around the age of nine. Mario Brothers was THE game. Everyone was trying to save the Princess. My best friends family were first to get a console. I can remember playing for hours on end. Not just Mario. My favorite was some cave man game where you could throw people around be the hair. I also quite enjoyed beach volleyball but make no mistake, Mario was my ultimate favorite.

I wanted my own Nintendo so bad. I put a magic spell on my dad and did get one that Christmas. The only game I had was Mario but that was A OK with me! I still have never saved the Princess. I know, right? Never saving the Princess makes sense because I remember friends getting Mario 2...and then Super Nintendo and my favorite game of all time, Mario 3.

I loved being that damn flying raccoon.

Also Tetris and in my much older days, drunk Tetris. We still have a original Nintendo, jealous?

What prompted me to write about Nintendo is the current ideal that gamers are geeks. I keep seeing all of this Nintendo and gaming stuff on Pinterest in the Geek category. (Geek category is the first place a look thank you.)

How is it that back in the late 80s early 90s everyone was playing Mario and it was cool. Now it's a geek almost hipster thing? Please. It's not like you have to be smart to play video games. Or a geek. Or a dude. Or anything.

My husband and I were chatting in the living room yesterday and I was telling him about my endocrinologist appointment.

I guess in this blog post you get a glimpse of who I am now.

I have been waiting to go to this appointment for two months. That is how long it took to get in to see this guy. I have been dealing with trying to find the proper treatment of hashimotos thyroiditis. I was diagnosed in the fall of 2007. It's a constant battle and right now it seems that my hashi's may be switching to grave's disease. Case in point why I am now at a specialist.

I digress...

Back to the living room. I was telling the hubs how my appointment went. My doctor asked what I do for fun. I said yoga and "Oh! My husband and I are really into Doctor Who right now." Which gave him a good laugh for about a minute. I hope that meant he's a Whovian.

So Jon the husband gets all philosophical with me as I am sitting on the arm of the couch.

"...Being a fitness director and liking Doctor Who isn't a typical combination. People who are into sports are typically into nerdy things...P.T.I makes fun of Lord of the Rings...why can't I like sports and like Lord of the Rings?..."

Which brings me to the fact that I can't wrap around my head that gaming is a geek thing. And why can't I like sports too? Why does it have to be a nerdy thing to do to watch Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, or the like? They are all quite fantastic.

It really bothers me that having a brain in this society makes you a geek. But being 16 and pregnant makes you a star on MTV. Our Nation really needs to get its priorities straight. In fact, I bet if more people did "nerdy" things, our society would reap the benefits because it actually makes you think. I guess that is...if you know how to think.

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